Sunday, October 31, 2010

What would you choose, (A) called "Loser" and have no friends, or (B) be popular with many friends but they attack and betray you behind.?

What would you choose, (A) called "Loser" and have no friends, or (B) be popular with many friends but they attack and betray you behind.?

Answer here

Faker, Hacker, and Privacy.

Second post on  new blog would be "Bad Experience". ckckck >.<

Guys, beware in choosing friends on your Facebook or any social network. There are many hacker that always wanna touch something that shouldn't be theirs. Many people just wanna break up your relationship between friends and boy/girlfriend. So, keep your account securely. I experienced it. I was accused and took offense.

The story is like this:
I have a friend named "J.A". Then he wrote something on my wall. And Mr.Hacker commented it that J.A uses Fake ID. Because I don't want a friend like him, try to attack someone on my facebook, I removed him from being my friend immediately at that time. Why did I remove him? beside my friends is too much now and getting close to max, I really do not want to have a friend like that. "Sok ikut campur and gak punya perasaan". So, I just decrease any weird friends.

I had removed him, but he still sent me massage. He asked about J.A again. He asked me "is J.A a faker". Then I told him to ask by his self. But then what.? He told me that I was avoiding someone. "Someone".?? Who was he mean, huh.?? and he told me that I was a faker. I just live in fake, suck, boring world. "I'm a Loser". ????????? Who is he.?? Talked to me like that just because I said that I don't know whether J.A is faker or not. huh. really annoyed. And when I told him that He has hurt my feelings, he just said "you still have a feelings.? I guess not.".

This person is really disturbing me!! >.<

Faker. That's what he wants to know and "sok jadi Hacker". He said I'm a faker and he is a hacker that will fight against me "a faker, live in a mortal world and have a relationship with someone who doesn't real. He said I'm obsolete person. He doesn't even know who I am, and in fact I belong to IT Department., which means I know technology! >.< I guessed he thought I'm in a relationship with J.A. And he thought that I just fake and make J.A by my self. J.A isn't real and I'm faking. What a jerk.? He doesn't even know who is in relationship with me now. If he thinks that he is "J.A", he really got it WRONG!
Well, he just makes me mad and upset. I hope he will get a penalty.

He said that Facebook is for socializing not for any privacy. Stupid one! Anyone has privacy. Even they are using Facebook or any social network. And I'm the one who really do not like people that touch my privacy without any permissions especially be a knowingly person. I use Facebook. But "my privacy is mine, no one is allowed to know it, change it, or be a "wiseacre guy" about it. I really do not like that guy.
What hacker.? I think he just jealous.

Guys, I just wanna to share my experience and give you a little advice. ^_^
So, I hope u guys can take care of all of your account and privacy. Do not let anyone insults you.
Keep your stance and do not forget to pray to ask God what is the best way and choice that have to be taken. Even to confirm any friends. But it doesn't mean that you have to sort out to choose a friend, but you should beware from any strange person.

Thanks for reading my post!

God Bless You All. ^_^

Would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf?

Vampire., like Edward Cullen !! hihi ^_^

Ask me anything

Saturday, October 23, 2010

A Beginning & An Introduction

Hi dear..
I really thank you because you would like to see my site..^_^

My full name is Prizilia Chika Runtukahu, but you guys can call me just 'Chika'. I'm the eldest daughter in my family. I have one brother named 'Gerry' and two sisters 'Really' & 'Kalvari'. I really want to be someone in music, but unhappily I can't sing or play musical instruments. Funny, but I'd really like to get into that. :) Owh, I also love playing badminton. It's good. And bdw, it's the only sport that I loved. :D

I'm all about being close to the things I love. My friends, my phone, and definitely my laptop. I love musics, I love movies, I love purple, I love watching Disney Channel!
I always with my laptop.Well, it might because almost things I do with that. I really need it. Much. 
I usually use the name 'Hilary' and 'Mitchie', thought it's not my real name. It's because I like that names. Hilary is my fan. Mitchie too. That's why I like to use the names. haha :D

I've been living far from my family since I was 14th because of my school. But it's not so bad, not at all. I think been living far from my parents makes me more grew-up. I can manage my time, money, I can wash my own clothes, and be more responsibilities about all the things I did. :D 

I have close friends. ShanyYane, and Nita. They're great! Shany is cute girl and petulance. She's easy getting angry. :D She's my seatmate. Yane is good one and smart too. She sat down with Nita. And Anita is great. She likes playing volleyball. Shani and yane like Korean Movies. They know so many about the Korean Movies and Artists. That's good.
Well, I go to SMK Kristen 1 Tomohon (Manado - North Sulawesi) and I'm at 3rd grade now. I belong to "Computer and Network Department". I go there because I love technology.. ^_^ I take "English Club" for Excull. Thank God, this year I followed the National English Competition 2010 in Bandung. Amazing experience. My first trip out of city was to be a representative from North Sulawesi. Really great moment. I Love English !!

Now, I'm trying to learn and be serious in my department (TKJ) especially about web design. Because I want to follow the "LKS Web Design 2010". I hope I can be the representative of North Sulawesi again. But to show them, I have to work and study hard. And first thing, I have to pray and ask Him about anything, cz I believe if God has plan, it's the best for all. I won't give up!!

And, I still believe in my Dear God.. Anything in His hands. Because, no one knows for sure God's plan. It's like a white paper, God paints and writes everything and humans just sign it. 
But, I also have to believe in myself. It also depends on me myself.
Anything could happen in this world.
Wish Me Luck !!

Well, that's a little about me "Prayzilia Chika Runtukahu".
as a beginning and introduction.
hopefully be a fun introduction.

_Jesus Christ Bless You All_